A new year usually means resolutions to lose weight, get fit, eat healthier, exercise more, and just generally becoming a better version of ourselves. So, I thought I’d design a one-month plan that can fit most lifestyles to help kickstart that journey to fitness and better health!

This is basically what I do for private clients, except it’s specifically tailored to them, their diet preferences, available equipment (full gym, no equipment, just a band, etc…), fitness level, and personal goals.

This 1-month program I’ve put together is with no-equipment so that anybody, regardless of what they have available, can do it. No excuses! In the videos, I also show modifications for exercises to adapt for fitness level so being a beginner is no excuse either.

If you’re new to exercise, take it slow and start with just one set of each instead of two on the first week, then go up to two sets the second week or when you feel ready. Likewise, add cardio little by little by starting slow; walking for 30 minutes instead of trying to jog or run right away, for example. Push yourself, but listen to your body as well and take breaks when you need to. This applies to all fitness levels.


We can’t out-exercise a bad diet, so it is very important that you keep true to yourself in avoiding junk food and other obvious saboteurs. If it’s sugary, fried, or packaged, you should avoid it. Eat to feel content, not full.

Fun Fact: Notice the first time you put down your fork/spoon for a prolonged time, that’s your brain telling you you’re full. By the time you feel it in your stomach, you’ve gone overboard.

Eat as many or as few times a day as is best for you, but keep in mind you need to burn more calories than you consume if you want to change your body composition! I don’t like counting calories, but it’s a great way to learn just how many calories we actually take in compared to what we burn. Likewise, knowing how much of each nutrient we’re eating is great to make sure we’re eating a properly balanced diet. I recommend https://www.myfitnesspal.com/ which also has an app! I suggest you download it and keep a food diary/keep track of your food intake until you learn what your portions should look like and what it feels like to eat the right amount of calories. But do remember, not all calories are the same! 600 calories worth of cheese are not as nutritious—or filling—as a 600-calorie steak salad with avocado.

Fitness Challenge Program

Stick to these exercise and diet guidelines for 1 month and see what happens! Take before and after pictures and record weight and body measurements. You will want to see the difference! And I’d love to see your progress too! If you feel like sharing your before-and-afters, please do! You can find some helpful calculators here to keep track of your progress.

And you can continue to use this program and challenge yourself by adding weights and/or repetitions and sets and increasing the intensity of your cardio sessions. If you feel like you need help and would like me to design a program like this specifically for you, let me know! That’s one of my services as a wellness coach! 😉

DIYMBU Kick-start Challenge

Workout Video:

Both A and B are in the same video.

Below are some informative links about why we should avoid certain things:



Not everyone is a meat-eater, but those who avoid animal products are more at risk for certain deficiencies in their diet, here are some helpful tips to get proper nutrition while on a vegetarian diet:

Supplementing for non-meat eaters

If you want to try going grain-free/primal, check out these links:

Burning Fat as Fuel and Eating Primal (ish).

Substituting Grains

First Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle: 2. Substituting Simple Carbs & Adding Exercise

If you’re deciding whether or not to go grain free, check this article out:

Better Health and Lower Body Weight. What to Eat?

And the Basics are always a good place to start! Have fun and see you on the other side!